Friday, February 27, 2009

"Tell me bout it, stud"

Jenna has this obsession with "Grease". Last year, the Newton High School put the play on, I took Jenna to see it, and the little monster would inform me when certain parts of the play were not exactly like the movie, plus she would get up and do the dance moves along with the kids just like she does when she watches the movie. When she is at home, she does the same thing, she sings, dances, and repeats the lines. With that being said, last night she came up to me and said "Tell me about it, stud." with the full hip swing and everything. Yes, my daughter for that moment decided to be Olivia Newton John and brought me to tears from laughter with that little act.

That's right, I'm raising the next Olivia Newton John.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

On The Wagon

Well, it seems that I have caved into peer pressure. I guess you could officially say that "Yes, if my friends all jumped off of a bridge, I would surely follow." I can't promise that I will have something enlightening to say every day but from what I understand this is a great place to vent frustrations and boy o' boy do I have some frustrations. Fasten your seatbelts, we may experience a bumpy ride sometimes but I do promise that the good stuff will be worth it as well.